REferring agencies
Need Help?
FIND helps people who have been referred by local and regional agencies and other bodies such as those listed below.
These care professionals are best placed to assess your need. If you or someone you know needs support, please contact one of these organisations in the first instance and they will refer to FIND if appropriate.
Contact details for some organisations appear below:
​Local councils
Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council - 0300 1234000 Option 3
Other examples of referring agencies
Community Resource Centre (Ipswich Umbrella Trust)
Local GP / health centres / hospitals / mental health teams / clinics
Children's centres / health visitor
Social services
Hostels and supported housing (e.g. YMCA)
Your local primary or secondary schools / colleges / University of Suffolk
Anglia Care Trust (ACT)
Health Outreach
Suffolk Family Carers / Suffolk Young Carers
Ipswich and District - 0808 278 7867
Felixstowe and District - 0808 278 786